Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 2015

Dear Family and Friends,

Last week was so amazing!!  I was sick basically all last week, but the good definitely outweighed the bad.  We had 13 lessons...which is always great, but we also had so many miracles!!

I read this story called the Ricciardi letter and it totally changed my perspective as a missionary.  I covenanted with God that I would be more bold and not waste time, but that I'd go out and talk with everyone and find the elect.  I decided that if I was teaching someone and their heart wasn't open and they weren't keeping commitments then we'd drop them for a while until they are ready to progress.

Well, about an hour after I knelt down and made that covenant with God, we went to Linda's and began teaching her a lesson.  She started freaking out and telling us that she was almost as perfect as the Savior, and that we had a lot of repenting to do, but that's not something that she needs right now, along with other interesting things.  Well, I remembered the covenant I had made, and I boldly said, "Linda the Spirit is not here right now, so we need to leave".  Then we closed our scriptures and got up and left her house.  It felt good to leave instead of staying and arguing with her.  I know God's timing is perfect, and now I know I really can be bold.

Karla (returning less active) and John (Investigator) both got blessings last night to help them stop smoking.  The blessings were amazing, and John even said, "Now I have enough faith to stop smoking".  I know they can do it!  Prayers for them would be wonderful!!

Jerome (returning less active) bore his testimony yesterday in sacrament meeting, and I was crying my eyes out.  He said he was so grateful that Sister Martinez and I followed the Spirit and found him because he never knew he as missing anything until he found the gospel again.  He bore testimony that he knew that God loved each one of us and he talked about his kids and how much he loved them.  He is so perfect!  Then his sister got up and bore her testimony about how she had been praying that her brother would find the gospel again, and she's so grateful that he did.  I am SO grateful that he did too because his testimony strengthened my testimony so much I cannot even describe how I feel.  I know that God looks out for all of His children and He loves us.  He gave us His son, Jesus Christ, so we can use the Atonement to get through the difficult times. We can have His Spirit to be with us as long as we are worthy of it.  I am so grateful for this knowledge. 

I hope everyone is having a great day and continues to have a great week.  Love,

Sister Moon


Sister M and I at the mission office!

Someone backed into our car :(

This is by far the weirdest thing I've had to eat on my mission.  It's called a Brazillian hot dog.  Let me explain: It's a hot dog dipped in tomato sauce and grilled green peppers with peas, corn, parmesan cheese, raisins, and crunched up barbecue chips on top.  Oh yes, it was....interesting...

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